Month: May 2020

  • Episode #32 – Unforgiven (許されざる者)

    Derrick Ferguson of Perry's other podcast, Superhero Cinephiles, returns to Japan On Film. With his knowledge of westerns and Perry's knowledge of Japanese history, they team up to discuss Sang-il Lee's Japanese remake of Clint Eastwood's revisionist western, Unforgiven! As Derrick put it best, this is less a remake and more a translation, with Lee seamlessly melding the classic story in Meiji-era Japan.

  • Episode #31 – Message From Space (宇宙からのメッセージ)

    John Atom of VCinema returns to discuss the 1978 Message From Space. While on the surface it seems like a Star Wars rip-off, it’s directed by the legendary Kinji Fukasaku, so there’s a bit more going on under the surface. Plus, there’s a certain campy charm about it that can’t be denied. So strap in and listen to our discussion on Message From Space!

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