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Episode #96 (S12E06) – Nobody Knows [誰も知らない] (2004)
Japanese film scholar Lindsay Nelson is back on the show to discuss Hirokazu Kore-eda's heartbreaking drama, Nobody Knows. Based on a true story about a family of children abandoned by their single mother, there's a lot to talk about in this.
Anime, Comedy, Drama, Episodes, Family, Fantasy, Season 12
Episode #95 (S12E05) – Pom Poko [平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ] (1994)
Comic creator Ryan Estrada makes his debut to discuss one of Studio Ghibli's strangest films, 1994's Pom Poko! We talk about the movie's interesting structure, the deeper themes, and, of course, the power of raccoon balls.
Action, Episodes, Grindhouse, Horror, Science Fiction, Season 12
Episode #94 (S12E04) – Versus [ヴァーサス] (2000)
Author Jennifer Upton returns for a fun discussion about Ryuhei Kitamura's Versus! A genre-bending film that plays with archetypes and looks far better than its budget should allow for, it's a quick, entertaining watch.
Drama, Episodes, School Life, Season 12
Episode #93 (S12E03) – Typhoon Club [台風クラブ] (1985)
Fellow podcaster Sam Inglis returns to discuss 1985's Typhoon Club. A great character study, though with some aspects that are difficult to watch.
Episodes, Horror, Kaiju, Science Fiction, Season 12, Thriller
Episode #92 (S12E02) – Godzilla Minus One [ゴジラ-1.0] (2023)
This is the one many listeners have been waiting for. Podcaster Jason Kleeberg joins Perry to dive into the wildly successful Godzilla Minus One! Praised both at home and abroad for good reason, there's a lot to unpack here.
Episode #91 (S12E01) – Ring 0 [リング0:バースデー] (2000)
Welcome to a new season of Japan On Film! We kick things off with returning guest and author Frank Schildiner to discuss Ring 0, the prequel to the Ring series and the origins of Sadako. Though better than some of the other sequels, this still leaves a lot to be desired.
Episode #90 (S11E10) – Ju-on: The Grudge [呪怨] (2003)
Podcaster Chris Osborne comes by the show for a discussion of one of the classics of J-Horror. In this episode, we dive into Takeshi Shimizu's Ju-on: The Grudge, which helped contribute to the J-Horror craze of the early 2000s (and Hollywood's obsession with remaking them). This is the final episode of the season. Thank you so much for listening, and we'll be back in a few months with Season 12!
Action, Crime, Episodes, Noir, Season 11, Yakuza
Episode #89 (S11E9) – Tokyo Drifter [東京流れ者] (1966)
Director Seijun Suzuki is a really unique figure in the world of Japanese cinema, with a style all his own. In this episode, Japanese film scholar Jennifer Upton returns to the show for a discussion of one of his most famous works, Tokyo Drifter.
Action, Episodes, Kaiju, Science Fiction, Season 11
Episode #88 (S11E8) – Godzilla Raids Again [ゴジラの逆襲] (1955)
Fellow podcaster Mike Lund returns to the show for a discussion of Godzilla Raids Again. The first of many Godzilla sequels, it also set the tone for the Showa Era of Toho's blockbuster property. Listen to our fun debate over the merits and faults of this film.
Drama, Episodes, Romance, Season 11, Sports
Episode #87 (S11E7) – 100 Yen Love [百円の恋] (2014)
Film fan and podcaster Sam Inglis joins the show today to discuss Masaharu Take's boxing romance, 100 Yen Love. We break down the story, discuss some of its commentary on Japanese society, and praise the amazing performance by Sakura Ando.